Our Warrior Moms Club is open to any mom, grandmother or guardian for both the high school & now the middle school football program. This is a great opportunity to get to know other moms as we work together to help take care of the little things for our boys throughout the football season. We want to hear from you because it is the moms that are the backbone of this program .
Warrior Moms club has been a good support and information group for me during both my sons seasons. All of these ladies helped keep me up to date on everything football and school related events. I work full time and knowing others were available to help take pictures, pass out food or even let me know how the game was going was a huge blessing to me. We can not be in all the places all the time. This group was such a great part of providing those extra opportunities of snacks and encouragement to the team! ~ Christy Yancey - Colby & Nolan's mom |