We hope you all had a fantastic break this week ! This also means summer is in the final 3 weeks before its time to start a new school year. That also means we are closer to watching our boys crush it on the field! There are many little details that go into a successful season & we parents need to pitch in to lend a hand. We have so many awesome parents helping all year long to prepare for our Warrior Football season and we THANK YOU ! The volunteer sign ups are now live on SIGN-UP GENIUS Each parent in each players household is asked to volunteer at least 2 times throughout the season. Many hands make for light work. Please be sure to read the descriptions on each sign up. Sundays: Coaches meal- for anyone Monday Team Meals: Done by grade level parents Tuesday: No sign up Wednesday: Lasagna Night - anyone Wednesday: YMS Game Day - Freshman Parents Thursdays: JV Game Day-YMS Parents Fridays: VARSITY- all high school grade levels SENIOR picture day is Saturday July 29TH 6:30pm at the stadium. Details will be sent separately. All others will be taken on the first day of school at the end of the day in the gym. Order forms will be sent in a couple weeks. If you would like to purchase an ad for your business or your player (all grades welcome) in our 2023 Printed Program, please visit our website for further details. Deadline is July 30th. FROM COACH ANDREWS: If your online donations did not cover your player fee, please finish paying the player fee HERE or directly to Amanda Chay. She will be at the YOUTH Camp Monday-Wednesday this week. Team Camp is July 18-21st. Players will be leaving early on the 18th and return on the morning of the 21st. More team camp info will be coming out this week and players will receive a packing list from Coach for team camp. MANDATORY Acclimation practice will be July 24th-28th (Mon-Fri). It will be 3-6 pm each day. Comments are closed.