We are sending out the weekly reminders a little early since we have important weekend info. Please take the time to read through all below. If you have any questions please reach out to you grade lead. Moms Clinic/Powder Puff is tomorrow May 29th starts promptly 9am on the field. You do not have to have an ordered shirt to participate. We do suggest wearing comfortable clothes & shoes. Bring your own water bottle & your football player :) We will collect any Grove Card money you have to turn in between 8:30-9 in front of concessions. All cash &/or checks should be in a ziplock with players name, grade & amount turning in written on the bag. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE MONEY TO COACHES. All players must have their new up-to-date physical uploaded to PRIVIT by MONDAY MAY 1st. Be sure to check the rest of your documents are complete in Privit as well. FRIDAY JUNE 16TH